Terry Fox PROFYLE: Understanding the science

THE TERRY FOX PROFYLE initiative has recruited many of Canada’s leaders in pediatric, adolescent and young adult cancer research and care. Our multidisciplinary team consists of over 50 investigators and collaborators, all working to improve the outcome of young Canadians with high risk cancers. To make the most of the collective knowledge and expertise of our large and talented group, PROFYLE has been structured into committee groups, referred to as nodes.
Each committee oversees the execution of one or more specific research projects, and is chaired by a member of the Program Executive Committee (PEC) who makes sure that the node follows the project plan and timelines. The nodes will be interlinked, with several members sitting on more than one committee.
Genomics and Bioinformatics Node
The Genomics and Bioinformatics Node will oversee the planning and implementation of a pan-Canadian personalized medicine platform for high-risk pediatric cancer patients.This team will also co-ordinate and execute computer-based analyses and will be responsible for sharing clinical data and analytical technologies within the PROFYLE group.
Biobanking Node
The Biobanking Node will implement a cross-country strategy for tissue collection, preparation, and storage, ensuring there is uniformity in all processes from coast to coast.
Ethics Node
This node will establish and implement ethics guiding principles and processes, including ensuring that patients are aware of their medical results, as well as the context of the genomic individual findings, both targeted and incidental.
Site Lead Node
This node is comprised of physicians from each treatment centre. They help to liaise between the treating physicians and the Terry Fox PROFYLE project.
Biomarkers Node
This node will develop tools to identify molecular tumour signatures, or collections of genes, proteins, and genetic variants that can be used as a marker for detecting disease in liquid biopsies, such as blood.
Proteomics Node
Using the proteome, or a set of proteins expressed by an individual at a certain time, to study disease and identify new biomarkers, is the focus of this node.
Model Systems Node
The Model Systems Node will study disease and disease markers in multiple organisms and initiate the development of new therapeutic compounds and therapies.
Partnership, Sustainability and Advocacy Node
This group is engaged in raising funds, identifying partnering opportunities, and providing important advocacy support. Leader: Patrick Sullivan, childhood cancer research advocate and the president/founder of the Team Finn Foundation in Vancouver, B.C.
AYA Node
The AYA (Adolescent and Young Adult) Node will ensure seamless integration of 14 to 29-year-old patients into the program. The node will encourage the enrolment of AYA patients in the PROFYLE program, and will also establish a process to access AYA patient data whose genomes have been sequenced as part of adult personalized oncology programs.
Therapeutics Node
The Therapeutics Node will help to improve access to existing or new therapies in the context of clinical trials. This node will help navigate the challenges of clinical trials in Canada and the US. Current members of the PROFYLE team are well connected to Canadian pediatric and AYA clinical trial networks, which will facilitate the process